The Counseling Center will be providing remote services only March 24th-March 27th. The Center will be closed on Friday March 28th in observance of Cesar Chavez Day. We will resume normal hours on March 31st at 8am.

For Life Threatening Emergencies or for Crisis Care needs 24/7: Call (949) 824-6457 and select Option # 2. You will be transferred to a crisis support line. For full list of Crisis Services, please click on the “Read More” link below.

Important Notice: How to Make a Report of Sexual Harassment and Notice of Nondiscrimination

To View the University of California Notice of Nondiscrimination and for detailed information, resources and guidance regarding the reporting of sexual misconduct and sexual harassment, please click the link below

Peer Educator Program

Crisis Care

For Life Threatening Emergencies:

Call 911

Or go to your nearest Emergency Room


For other crisis needs 24/7:

    ♦   Text “Home” to 741741

Request Outreach Services

Home 9 Outreach & Prevention 9 Request Outreach Services

After January 31st, 2022, requesters can put in a preference for in-person; remote; or no preference. There may be times where we ask if an in-person request can be done remotely due to staff availability.


UCI students, staff, and faculty requesting outreach services must complete an Outreach and Prevention Request Form (below). If you are a student requesting a presentation for your student group or organization you must have the permission from your faculty/staff advisor first. Due to the many responsibilities of Center staff and the large request for services, we must require a minimum of 10 audience members at each function. Requests need to be received at least two to three weeks in advance with at least three prioritized “choice dates” have a greater likelihood of being accommodated. If you would like to access any of the outreach services provided by the Counseling Center, please complete the Outreach Request Form below. We also encourage you to familiarize yourself with the Friends Helping Friends Presentations offered every Spring Quarter by members of the Counseling Center’s Peer Educator Program.

Please wait a few moments to receive a confirmation message that your request has been submitted before hitting the “submit” button again. There may be a slight delay before you receive this message. If you do not receive a confirmation message after 1 minute, please use the PDF version of the form. 

Request Outreach Services

Audience Members

Service Requested

Meeting Type

Fandom and Mental Health Benefits

It is getting closer to the holiday break and the end is in sight! Soon we will be with family and friends and getting some much-needed relaxation after the start to the quarter! Phew! While this time can be something to look forward to, it is important to still be aware of caring for your mental health. Here are some things to consider as we reach the end of the year!

Managing Perfectionism

It is getting closer to the holiday break and the end is in sight! Soon we will be with family and friends and getting some much-needed relaxation after the start to the quarter! Phew!

While this time can be something to look forward to, it is important to still be aware of caring for your mental health. Here are some things to consider as we reach the end of the year!

Mental Health Awareness Month

It is getting closer to the holiday break and the end is in sight! Soon we will be with family and friends and getting some much-needed relaxation after the start to the quarter! Phew!

While this time can be something to look forward to, it is important to still be aware of caring for your mental health. Here are some things to consider as we reach the end of the year!