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Home 9 Peer Programs 9 COACH

About the Program

COACH stands for Creating Options and Conquering Hurdles. It’s a motivational program that allows you to accomplish your goals and create the personal life that you desire.

The COACH Program is a motivational program that assists students in accomplishing their academic, social, and personal goals. It is sponsored by the Counseling Center and supported by the Division of Undergraduate Education and School of Social Ecology. Its primary goal is to provide students who are stressed, unmotivated or worried about their grades or life in general with a personal coach. The role of the Life Coach is to assist students in their endeavor for ultimate success.

The Coaching process involves 3-steps:

1. Helping a student assess their needs.
2. Formulating an individual plan with specific steps, tasks and timelines.
3. Monitoring the student’s progress until they have reached their goal.

The methods of coaching are one-to-one in-person, phone, and/or video platform. A student may want to request a Coach when they seek to improve:

  • Academic Performance & Confidence
  • Stress Management
  • Time Management
  • Communication Skills
  • Social Connections/Relationships
  • Self-Esteem
  • Social-Confidence
  • Self-Care Habits

Become a COACH

Request a COACH

Meet the COACH Team

Fandom and Mental Health Benefits

It is getting closer to the holiday break and the end is in sight! Soon we will be with family and friends and getting some much-needed relaxation after the start to the quarter! Phew! While this time can be something to look forward to, it is important to still be aware of caring for your mental health. Here are some things to consider as we reach the end of the year!

Managing Perfectionism

It is getting closer to the holiday break and the end is in sight! Soon we will be with family and friends and getting some much-needed relaxation after the start to the quarter! Phew!

While this time can be something to look forward to, it is important to still be aware of caring for your mental health. Here are some things to consider as we reach the end of the year!

Mental Health Awareness Month

It is getting closer to the holiday break and the end is in sight! Soon we will be with family and friends and getting some much-needed relaxation after the start to the quarter! Phew!

While this time can be something to look forward to, it is important to still be aware of caring for your mental health. Here are some things to consider as we reach the end of the year!