The Counseling Center will be closed on Monday February 17th in observance of President’s Day. We will resume normal hours on Tuesday February 18th at 8am.

For Life Threatening Emergencies or for Crisis Care needs 24/7: Call (949) 824-6457 and select Option # 2. You will be transferred to a crisis support line. For full list of Crisis Services, please click on the “Read More” link below.

Important Notice: How to Make a Report of Sexual Harassment and Notice of Nondiscrimination

To View the University of California Notice of Nondiscrimination and for detailed information, resources and guidance regarding the reporting of sexual misconduct and sexual harassment, please click the link below

Crisis Care

For Life Threatening Emergencies:

Call 911

Or go to your nearest Emergency Room


For other crisis needs 24/7:

    ♦   Text “Home” to 741741

Individual Therapy

One Session Counseling Appointment

These appointments are for students who feel their concerns can be addressed in a single session. The session’s focus is on the concerns you bring. The therapist may help provide support and perspective about your situation or help you develop a plan to address your concerns after the session.

Short-Term Therapy

Once you have completed an Initial Assessment appointment and the treatment recommendation is short-term, time-limited invidiual therapy within the Counseling Center, you will be assigned to a therapist in the Counseling Center. Your therapist for ongoing work may not be the same person with whom you met for your initial appointment. You and your therapist will find a time that is mutually available, and in most instances, you will meet on a bi-weekly basis. Appointments are available from 8 AM to 5 PM, with each session typically lasting for 45 to 50 minutes. At the conclusion of your work or during the course of treatment with the therapist, you both may agree that continued, longer-term therapy or other assistance may be helpful to you. If this is the case, the therapist will work with you to find appropriate referral and resource support.

    Open-Ended and Long-Term Therapy Services

    If you are wanting longer-term, open-ended therapy with the potential to last multiple months or years,  a therapist who can meet with you on weekends or evenings, or want to meet with a therapist who specializes with your concerns, then a Referral and Resource Support appointment maybe best for you. This appointment is appropriate if you know you would like assistance that does not fall within the services that the Counseling Center offers.

    One of the Counseling Center’s case managers would be happy to meet with you to help you connect to community providers who would be a good fit for your needs. Case Managers are also skilled in helping students obtain help for other resources like food, housing, or financial assistance, as well as helping students understand their insurance coverage. To schedule with a case manager, you would choose a Referral and Resource Appointment. To learn more about Referral and Resource Support appointments click here.

      Not Sure What Services is Best for Me?

      This type of appointment is where you meet with a therapist who asks a series of questions aimed at gathering comprehensive background information to help understand your current concerns and develop a treatment plan and recommendations. The treatment recommendations may be for short-term individual therapy at the Counseling Center, referral to a Counseling Center group, or referral off-campus for more open-ended therapy. Any student who is interested in our short-term therapy services should start with an Initial Assessment to see if this is an appropriate option for them.

      Crisis Care Appointments

      Crisis Care is for students who are in crisis and cannot wait until a scheduled appointment. 

      Examples of crisis situations include: 

      • someone being in immediate risk of taking their own life or hurting someone else,
      • having taken recent steps to end one’s life,
      • suicide or homicidal thoughts without intent to harm oneself or others; recent sexual assault or other trauma; death of a significant person or companion in your life,
      • and a personal crisis that needs rapid attention from a mental health professional.

      The Counseling Center offers Crisis Care services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

      To access Crisis Care during business hours (Monday – Friday, 8am-5pm), you can call our main number 949-824-6457 to request a same-day Crisis Care appointment.

      Outside of the Center’s business hours, students are encouraged to give us a call at 949-824-6457  and select option #2 to speak to a mental health professional over the phone.

      More Short Term Therapy Services

      Fandom and Mental Health Benefits

      It is getting closer to the holiday break and the end is in sight! Soon we will be with family and friends and getting some much-needed relaxation after the start to the quarter! Phew! While this time can be something to look forward to, it is important to still be aware of caring for your mental health. Here are some things to consider as we reach the end of the year!

      Managing Perfectionism

      It is getting closer to the holiday break and the end is in sight! Soon we will be with family and friends and getting some much-needed relaxation after the start to the quarter! Phew!

      While this time can be something to look forward to, it is important to still be aware of caring for your mental health. Here are some things to consider as we reach the end of the year!

      Mental Health Awareness Month

      It is getting closer to the holiday break and the end is in sight! Soon we will be with family and friends and getting some much-needed relaxation after the start to the quarter! Phew!

      While this time can be something to look forward to, it is important to still be aware of caring for your mental health. Here are some things to consider as we reach the end of the year!