The Counseling Center will be closed on Monday February 17th in observance of President’s Day. We will resume normal hours on Tuesday February 18th at 8am.

For Life Threatening Emergencies or for Crisis Care needs 24/7: Call (949) 824-6457 and select Option # 2. You will be transferred to a crisis support line. For full list of Crisis Services, please click on the “Read More” link below.

Important Notice: How to Make a Report of Sexual Harassment and Notice of Nondiscrimination

To View the University of California Notice of Nondiscrimination and for detailed information, resources and guidance regarding the reporting of sexual misconduct and sexual harassment, please click the link below

Peer Educator Program

Crisis Care

For Life Threatening Emergencies:

Call 911

Or go to your nearest Emergency Room


For other crisis needs 24/7:

    ♦   Text “Home” to 741741

QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer)

Home 9 Outreach & Prevention 9 Suicide Prevention 9 QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer)

Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR) Gatekeeper Training


The UCI Counseling Center provides a brief 90 minute training for faculty, staff, and students called QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer) Gatekeeper Training. This brief training will help individuals learn to recognize signs of crises in order to help reduce suicidal behaviors and save lives by providing innovative, practical, and proven suicide prevention training. Learn how to intervene and prevent suicide today by signing up for QPR trainings. Once you complete the QPR Gatekeeper Training you will have a certification that  lasts 2 years.

This training can be requested by community members/groups/organizations for a small fee. Please email Dr. Meladee Garst at for more information.

If you part of the UCI Main Campus Community and wanting to request a QPR training for your students, staff, group, or department please complete the outreach request form.

The QPR Gatekeeper course is taught in a clear, concise format using the latest in educational technology and practices. The course takes approximately 90 minutes to complete. In an effort to provide training opportunities to as much of the campus community as possible, we are currently offering both virtual and in-person training. When you register for a training, please make note of the format (in-person or virtual).


  • How to Question, Persuade and Refer someone who may be suicidal
  • How to get help for yourself or learn more about preventing suicide
  • The common causes of suicidal behavior
  • The warning signs of suicide
  • How to get help for someone in crisis

Mind Your Zot!

Fandom and Mental Health Benefits

It is getting closer to the holiday break and the end is in sight! Soon we will be with family and friends and getting some much-needed relaxation after the start to the quarter! Phew! While this time can be something to look forward to, it is important to still be aware of caring for your mental health. Here are some things to consider as we reach the end of the year!

Managing Perfectionism

It is getting closer to the holiday break and the end is in sight! Soon we will be with family and friends and getting some much-needed relaxation after the start to the quarter! Phew!

While this time can be something to look forward to, it is important to still be aware of caring for your mental health. Here are some things to consider as we reach the end of the year!

Mental Health Awareness Month

It is getting closer to the holiday break and the end is in sight! Soon we will be with family and friends and getting some much-needed relaxation after the start to the quarter! Phew!

While this time can be something to look forward to, it is important to still be aware of caring for your mental health. Here are some things to consider as we reach the end of the year!